Whale Raffle
An adaptively designed cryptocurrency raffle web service 2019 - 2020
User interface design of a cryptocurrency project titled "Whale Raffle"

Project Overview

Its 2019, the crypto market has displayed some spectacular gains and losses since 2017.

A growing proportion of the population now believe in blockchain technology and the life-changing fortune that could come with it but securing that fortune isn’t an easy road.

After chatting with fellow crypto lovers a Designer, backend engineer and 3D artist team up to present a possible solution to make the road to fortune easier.

Project Attributes

My Roles:

Co-founder, UX Designer, User Interface Design, Interaction design, Marketing, Front end Developer

Team size


Why showcase this?

This project demonstrates my ability to innovate, act, lead and deliver novel ideas in a lean collaborative setting.

My Project Workload Breakdown






Project Management

Tools and Tech

Project Process


Market Observation

Unless you have a lump sum to invest or already hold a large amount of crypto then accumulating a life-changing volume is frustratingly out of reach.

We observed this playing out in Reddit communities, discord threads, Countless Youtube clips and our own lives.

How people currently approach crypto accumulation

Saving to deposit a lump sum

This takes a long time

Dollar cost averaging

This decreases your cashflow

Trying to trade

This risks losing everything

How Might We's

  • How might we decrease the time it takes to accumulate large amounts of crypto?

  • How might we decrease the how much cashflow is required to accumulate crypto?

  • How might we risk of accumulating crypto?

Asking how we might improve on the negative aspects of crypto accumulation led to market research.

crypto giveaways were common but often associated with scams or influencers touting their next big projectSome very early movers in the gambling space had started to advertise crypto slot machines.

While there were no direct proxies in this space there are many traditional systems and newer crowd-funding models that generate a pool of funds from people with common goals and interests.

Kickstart.com, gofundme and the age-old raffle and lotteries demonstrate mechanics that could offer improvements to the crypto accumulation experience.

A traditional lottery

This a familiar system that is well-known and popular in mainstream society and also addresses our 3 detractors.

  • low cost to entry - Doesn't dramatically decrease your cashflow

  • Quick turn-around - Doesn't take a long time to accumulate

  • Caps your risk - no greater investment is needed

The trade-off here is the same as a traditional lottery in that your reduction of cost and risk along with the increase in speed to result are all offset by a decreased probability of winning.

Initial Concept

My earliest iteration of the idea was a block-chain raffle so the project spent a brief moment as "Chaffle".

As you can see this distasteful mock and its name lacked in all areas.

There is no cohesion of ideas, colours or a tangible theme to bring a cohesive design together.

The benefit of this concept was it spurred the conversation around what the underlying mechanics of the raffle would be and how to begin to communicate that to users.

User research to name the project

Noting the clear deficients in Chaffle I took a step back to analyse the language and terminology of the customer base

"A crypto whale is a term used in the cryptocurrency community to describe an individual or organisation that holds a significant amount of a particular digital asset. The exact threshold for the definition is not precise, but a Bitcoin whale is said to hold at least 1,000 BTC" - Ledger.com

This terminology formed the inspiration of our projects goals, banding, design theme and language, and so Whale Raffle was borne.

Project Goals

Whale Raffle was created to achieve three objectives

  1. Turn people into 'whales' by providing a service that enables investors to rapidly acquire large amounts of crypto in a transparent, fair and low risk way.

  2. Fund the change makers. A predetermined percentage of the raffles total is donated to environmental and humanitarian projects that accept crypto.

  3. Find validation market validation at multiple stages

Validation Plan Overview

Validation goal was to gain 50 unique email addresses from visitors to our landing page.

Facebook Ads

Reddit Posts

Instagram Posts

Landing Page

Did visitor provide an email address?


Redirect to thank you page

Add to mailing list for launch.

Brand Design

Lead Inspiration from our 3D Design Joseph Lattimer

Whale Raffle's Primary Colour Pallet

Whale Raffle's Secondary Colour Pallet

Font Selections

Roboto Family

Avenir Family

Avatar / Mascot

Mood Board for web UI

Dark inspiration  - seaby Clayton Tonnaunderwater and bubblesby Cristian PalmerUnderwater and lightsby Cristian Palmerfollow Me on >>>https://www.instagram.com/artrachen/by Art RachenOceanby Joel Vodell


Immature Infrastructure

At the time of build the majority of block-chain assets were held on exchange wallets. The structure of these wallets meant that we were unable to send a winner their holdings to the address they had entered from. This introduced friction customers entering a raffle. We had to warn and educate anyone progressing through the raffle entry flow not to use an exchange wallet address.

Building Trust

This was our biggest hurdle and something I don't think we even came close to conquering. With a new crypto scam presenting itself each week and exchanges popping up and busting so often, it was no surprise that our service was suspected to be a scam despite our efforts for transparency and draw validation.

Example of a whale raffle detail cardRaffle card mock upWhale mascot

Accumulating enough crypto is hard! Become a whale the easy way.

Beta launch in


So, you own some crypto but do you own enough of it to change your life when the market rallies?

Whale Raffles gives you with the chance to rapidly accumulate large volumes of crypto without the financial outlay, all while supporting awesome charities.

Want to know when the first raffle opens?

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Wave image
Example of a whale raffle detail card
Wave image